Spain aims to reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2050, according to the new draft climate change law, which sets out an ambitious set of targets to tackle global warming over the next 30 years. The bill is expected to be passed by the Spanish Parliament during the spring of 2021.

The law envisages that at least 70% of the country’s energy will have to come from clean energy sources, such as wind and solar, and all new coal, oil and gas extraction projects will be banned. This bill goes hand in hand with the Paris Climate Agreement, a global framework to limit global warming to well below 2ºC, and is also expected to shape the country’s economic recovery from Covid-19.
Although the plans are ambitious, Spain has already come a long way in reorganising the electricity market in favour of renewables. Consumers have been given more flexibility to switch electricity suppliers, giving green energy companies the opportunity to offer competitive tariffs while supplying electricity from 100% renewable sources.
More recently, the removal of the controversial “sun tax” in Spain has paved the way for more businesses and households to generate their own electricity using rooftop solar panels. With more than 300 days of sunshine a year, Spain is undoubtedly the perfect place to generate electricity from solar energy.
The new legislation on solar photovoltaic panels goes even further and allows those who generate solar energy to be financially compensated for the surplus energy they produce, which can be fed into the national grid.
In addition to the legislative changes, which allow businesses and consumers to generate and consume renewable energy, the government is committed to installing a minimum of 3,000 MW of wind and solar power per year for the next ten years.
Altria Corpo is particularly active in the search for financing solutions for companies that are developing renewable energy projects. There are financial providers specialised in this type of financing, to which Altria Corpo can provide access and can facilitate the management of the entire application, analysis and due diligence process for each project.